How is VBA used in Microsoft Excel? - VBA Tutorial

This page reviews how Excel VBA can be used to quickly develop various tools including data processing, modeling, analysis, and dashboard tools.

Excel VBA Tutorial

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How VBA can be used to analyze data in Microsoft Excel.

Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) can be used in conjunction with Microsoft Excel to construct automated tools. Using VBA with Excel, powerful analysis and data processing tools can be developed quickly and with minimum cost. VBA can be used for important tasks like:

Excel VBA Automated Tools

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The Excel VBA tool above loops through workbooks looking for specific job types, their recorded hrs, and charts them against limits. It even emails the chart report to a list of associates. Construction time for the tool was about 1.5 days. Tools like these drastically reduce Excel task times from hours to seconds at minimal cost and construction time. A little VBA goes a long way.

How VBA can be used to build models and visual interfaces in Microsoft Excel.

In the areas of modeling and visual interfaces, this is where Excel VBA also shines. Microsoft Excel and VBA can be used to construct sophisticated dashboard driven analysis and modeling tools that rival any program on the market today.

We can say this because we develop complex tools for our customers using Excel and VBA after they have tried other various means and failed.

These tools can go far beyond simple macros that you have probably seen becoming actual robust programs. Excel has a vast array of features like drawing shapes, formulas, worksheet functions, ActiveX controls, worksheets, userforms, charts, PivotTables, data tools and cells that when combined together with VBA allow these high-end programs to come alive.

When you tie other programs and computer languages to Excel through VBA like Word, PowerPoint, Access, SQL Server, ASP, C Sharp, JavaScript and VB .Net, Excel VBA can tap into these environments obtaining "off the shelf" the functionality it does not have.

Excel VBA Dashbaords and Models

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The Excel VBA tool above is a dashboard that keeps track of component status of a project. The dashboard goes through n-workbooks, adapts to any number of component workbooks that users enter status info in, enters and color codes dates, and flags when invalid information is encountered.

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